Product BacklogProduct Backlog Tips for Distributed Teams· Keep a clear "Definition of Ready" and implement it · Use Agile product management tools such as Jira to maintain...
Product OwnerThe Developer Role in Product Backlog Refinement The Product Owner and the Development Team collaborate in the refinement process as an ongoing activity.
Scrum, Remote ScrumInfographic: Product Increment An Increment is the output of all the Product Backlog items completed during a Sprint and the value of the increments of all previous...
Scrum, Remote ScrumThe Significance of Feature Traceability for Product Owners Every backlog item must be traceable back to its source. Giving the team context as to why they’re developing each feature will help...
Scrum, Remote ScrumThe 5 Elements of the "Definition of Ready"The Definition of Ready is not a Scrum term, but more of an industry practice. I think it should be an official aspect of Scrum because...