Scrum, Remote ScrumThe 5 Elements of the "Definition of Ready"The Definition of Ready is not a Scrum term, but more of an industry practice. I think it should be an official aspect of Scrum because...
Scrum MasterUse Points to Estimate Product Backlog Items In Scrum, estimating product backlog items, also known as sizing user stories, helps the development team determine how to commit for the...
QOWQ of the Week: In large scale estimation, who should estimate the product backlog items? Estimates should always be done by the people who will be doing the work.
Scrum, Remote ScrumHow to Manage Burn-Out With AgileAgile can help prevent situations where burn-out can become prevalent and you might already be “managing” burn-out.
QOWQuestion of the Week - What are must-haves for a “ready” product backlog item??You need these 5 elements in order to label your Product Backlog Item "ready".