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How Can Product Owners Create Stakeholder Engagement?

As a Product Owner, your role is crucial in ensuring the success of your product. To maximize its potential, it is essential to establish a regular feedback loop with your stakeholders. While the Sprint Review is a must-have event Scrum, holding periodic Stakeholder Sync-up Meetings can further enhance collaboration, gather critical feedback, and improve release planning. This article explores the benefits of these meetings and provides suggestions on enticing stakeholders to attend.

Complementing the Sprint Review Event

It is important to note that the Stakeholder Sync-up meeting is not a mandatory core Scrum meeting and that it is not a replacement for the Sprint Review event. The Sprint Review event and the Stakeholder Sync-up meeting serve distinct purposes in the product development process, each contributing to the success of the product in its own way.

The Sprint Review is a formal gathering held at the end of each sprint, attended by the full Scrum Team and stakeholders. It focuses on showcasing the completed work and gathering feedback from stakeholders. It serves as a platform for stakeholders to validate the increment, provide input, and influence the product direction.

However, in cases where the number of stakeholders is large or when there is a need for more detailed discussions on specific product aspects, a smaller Stakeholder Sync-up meeting can be organized. This should be held by the Product Owners and the full Scrum team does not need to attend. The meeting allows for more focused and detailed conversations with product-specific Stakeholders, enabling the collection of feedback and addressing unique stakeholder concerns related to the individual product. The Stakeholder Sync-up meeting complements the Sprint Review by providing a more tailored and in-depth interaction with stakeholders to ensure their voices are heard and their needs are addressed effectively.

The Stakeholder Sync-up Meeting is a regular collaborative session, ideally conducted during the alternating weeks for the Sprint Review, where the Product Owner engages with stakeholders to discuss upcoming features, gather early validation and feedback, and plan for future releases. While the Sprint Review validates the increment and adapts the Product Backlog, the Stakeholder Sync-up meeting acts as a build-up, fostering collaboration, aligning expectations, and ensuring a more focused and efficient Sprint Review. Together, these two events create a feedback loop that drives iterative development, stakeholder engagement, and the ultimate success of the product.

The Importance of Periodic Stakeholder Sync-up Meetings As a Product Owner, you are responsible for delivering value to your customers while aligning with business goals and market demands. Holding periodic Stakeholder Sync-up Meetings plays a vital role in achieving these objectives. These meetings serve as a platform for collaboration, feedback, and planning, ensuring that your product remains relevant, competitive, and successful. Here are the key reasons why you should hold these meetings regularly in addition to the Sprint Review Event:

  1. Collaboration and Alignment: Stakeholder Sync-up Meetings foster collaboration between you and your stakeholders, enabling everyone to work together towards a shared vision. By periodically gathering feedback, you can ensure that the product aligns with the evolving needs of your customers, market trends, and business objectives. This collaboration allows for better decision-making, informed prioritization, and a deeper understanding of your stakeholders' expectations.

  2. Early Validation and Iterative Development: Engaging stakeholders before the Sprint Review allows for early validation of upcoming features and requirements. This iterative approach enables you to incorporate valuable feedback and make adjustments early on, reducing the risk of costly rework and ensuring a higher-quality end product. Periodic meetings provide a dedicated space to discuss ideas, validate assumptions, and gather insights, enabling you to fine-tune your product and deliver more value with each iteration.

  3. Effective Release Planning: Periodic meetings provide a focused environment to discuss release planning. By involving stakeholders, you can gain insights into their priorities, expectations, and market demands. This collaborative approach allows for informed decision-making, ensures that resources are allocated effectively, and enables you to deliver value incrementally with each release. By engaging stakeholders in release planning discussions, you build a sense of ownership and foster a collective commitment to the product's success.

  4. Transparent Communication: Holding regular Stakeholder Sync-up Meetings demonstrates your commitment to open and transparent communication. It creates a platform for stakeholders to voice their concerns, share insights, and provide suggestions, fostering a culture of trust and collaboration. Transparent communication helps manage expectations, mitigates risks, and ensures that everyone is aligned on the product's direction. By actively seeking input from stakeholders, you create a feedback-driven environment that enables continuous improvement and success.

Suggestions to Entice Stakeholders to Attend

To ensure active participation in Stakeholder Sync-up Meetings, it is crucial to engage and entice your stakeholders. Here are some suggestions to encourage their attendance:

  1. Highlight the Value: Clearly communicate the purpose and benefits of the Stakeholder Sync-up Meetings. Emphasize that their input will directly shape the product's direction, and their expertise is invaluable for its success. Connect the meeting to the stakeholders' goals and demonstrate how their involvement contributes to the larger organizational objectives. By showcasing the impact of their input, you motivate stakeholders to engage actively and take ownership of the product's success.

  2. Engage Relevant Stakeholders: Identify the stakeholders who have a vested interest in the product's success and invite them personally. Tailor your invitations to each stakeholder's role and emphasize the value they bring to the meeting discussions. Highlight how their expertise and perspective are vital for making informed decisions, prioritizing features, and ensuring that the product meets their specific needs. By demonstrating their importance, you make stakeholders feel valued and increase their motivation to attend the meetings.

  3. Set Clear Agendas: Share a well-defined agenda ahead of each meeting, outlining the topics to be discussed, such as upcoming features, product needs, and release planning. This provides stakeholders with a clear understanding of the meeting's focus and helps them prepare accordingly. Clear agendas demonstrate that their time will be used effectively, and they will have an opportunity to contribute meaningfully. Encourage stakeholders to suggest additional topics they would like to address, promoting a sense of ownership and inclusivity.

  4. Time and Frequency: Consider scheduling the Stakeholder Sync-up Meetings once per week to maintain a regular cadence. This frequency ensures that discussions remain timely and relevant, enabling agile decision-making and swift action. Keep the meetings concise, focused, and time-bound to respect stakeholders' busy schedules. Strive for a balance between meeting frequency and providing sufficient time for productive discussions. Adhere to the scheduled meeting times to demonstrate your respect for stakeholders' time and commitment.

  5. Recognize and Appreciate Contributions: Acknowledge the valuable input and contributions made by stakeholders during the meetings. Show appreciation for their insights, suggestions, and expertise. Recognize the impact of their involvement on the product's success and how it contributes to the broader organizational goals. Celebrate milestones, achievements, and successful collaborations, reinforcing the importance of their contributions. This recognition encourages continued engagement and fosters a sense of ownership among stakeholders.

  6. Leverage the FOMO Technique: Create a sense of Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) by highlighting the importance and exclusivity of the Stakeholder Sync-up Meetings. Emphasize that these meetings provide a unique opportunity for stakeholders to have a direct impact on the product's development and shape its future direction. Communicate the value of their involvement and how their insights will be instrumental in making informed decisions. By emphasizing the limited availability and the benefits of attending, stakeholders are more likely to feel compelled to participate.

  7. Invite Influencers: Identify key influencers within your stakeholder group and extend personalized invitations to them. Influencers can be individuals who hold significant sway, possess subject matter expertise, or have a strong influence on others' opinions. By inviting these influential stakeholders, you increase the chances of broader attendance as they can encourage and motivate others to participate. Their presence can also elevate the quality of discussions and enhance the overall impact of the meetings.

Who should be invited to the meeting?

When organizing a product owner meeting to collect feedback from stakeholders, it's important to invite individuals who have a vested interest in the product's success and can provide valuable insights. Here is a list of candidate roles you may consider inviting:

Business Stakeholders:

  • Product Directors and Managers

  • Business Development Directors and Managers

  • Marketing Directors and Managers

  • Sales Directors and Managers

Development and Engineering Stakeholders:

  • Development Team Lead/Manager

  • Software Engineers

  • Quality Assurance/Testers

User Experience (UX) and Design Stakeholders:

  • UX Designers

  • UI Designers

  • Interaction Designers

Customer Support and Success Stakeholders:

  • Customer Support Managers

  • Customer Success Managers

Remember to tailor the invitation list based on the specific context of your product and its stakeholders. Ensure that you invite representatives from each relevant department or team that can contribute their expertise and provide feedback from their respective areas. Sample Agenda

Agenda for Stakeholder Sync-up Meeting Date: [Insert Date] Time: [Insert Time] Location: [Insert Location or Virtual Meeting Link]

Welcome and Introduction

  • Greet all attendees and briefly introduce the purpose of the meeting.

Review of Previous Action Items

  • Discuss any action items from previous meetings and provide updates on their status.

Product Overview

  • Provide a high-level overview of the product, its current status, and any recent developments.

Feature Discussion and Feedback

  • Present the upcoming features or enhancements planned for the product.

  • Allow stakeholders to ask questions and provide feedback on each feature.

  • Encourage discussion to gather insights and suggestions for improvement.

Product Needs and Requirements

  • Share insights from customer feedback, market research, and user analytics.

  • Discuss any emerging needs or trends in the market that should be considered.

  • Invite stakeholders to share their perspectives on product needs and requirements.

Release Planning

  • Review the product roadmap and upcoming releases.

  • Discuss the prioritization of features and functionalities based on stakeholder input.

  • Seek agreement on the release timeline and major milestones.

Action Planning

  • Summarize key decisions, feedback, and next steps.

  • Assign action items and responsibilities to relevant stakeholders.

  • Set deadlines and ensure accountability for follow-up tasks.

Any Other Business (AOB)

  • Provide an opportunity for attendees to raise any additional topics or concerns.

Wrap-up and Next Steps

  • Recap the main outcomes of the meeting.

  • Confirm the date and time of the next meeting or any future touchpoints.

Meeting Conclusion

  • Thank all attendees for their time, input, and collaboration.

  • Close the meeting on a positive note.

Note: Depending on the complexity and duration of the meeting, it may be necessary to adjust the time allocated to each agenda item. Ensure that there is enough time for thorough discussion and that all stakeholders have an opportunity to provide their input. Summary

In summary, we have explored the difference between the Sprint Review event and the Stakeholder Sync-up Meeting in the product development process. While the Sprint Review focuses on showcasing completed work and gathering feedback at the end of each sprint, the Stakeholder Sync-up Meeting serves as a smaller, more focused gathering that allows for detailed conversations and feedback on specific product aspects. We discussed the importance of engaging stakeholders and provided suggestions to entice their attendance, such as using the FOMO technique and inviting influencers. Additionally, we highlighted the significance of communicating the agenda and purpose, showcasing previous successes, delivering timely and relevant content, and fostering interaction and collaboration during the meetings. By implementing these strategies, Product Owners can drive active participation, gather valuable insights, and foster a stronger collaborative effort to ensure the success of the product.


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